Knowing if your windows are outdated is an important factor since it will determine how pricey your energy will be and the safety of your property.Do you know how old is your double glazing? If not, then it’s time to find out because there may be issues coming from failing ones.Older windows lose much of their insulating capabilities and can cause drafts that make your home colder in winter and hotter in summer. But there is much more to it and you should know all the details about the subject.How old is my double glazing? Is it time to replace your windows or can it wait longer? To find the answer to this question, we made a helpful guide that you could use to inspect your windows. There are five ways to tell how old your double glazing is and we’ll list them here.

Considering replacement windows?

double glazed windows

Are Your Double Glazed Windows Dated?

Never underestimate the importance of knowing how old your windows are. This is why we will walk you through all the aspects that will help you decide on whether you should replace them.The UK’s 2002 Buildings Amendment Regulations requires that all double glazed units must meet a minimum level of heat loss. Other than the issues below that you can face, you can determine the age of your windows by the date stamp on the strip.Unfortunately, back in the days, this practice was not followed by all producers and, therefore, you may not see it in your window.Alternatively, having the documents stating the date of purchase and installation of your windows can show you how old they are.Worst case scenario, you will have to inspect rigorously your window and observe the usage signs that we will list here below.

Condensation Happens in The Space Between the Glasses

When this happens, it indicates that the seal between the two panes of glass has failed, and the Argon gas that sits between them has seeped out. This is the most common answer to the notorious question: ‘How old is my double glazing’? If you have this issue, it could be that you need to replace your unit as it loses the ability to retain heat.The condensation gets between the panes in double glazed windows because of a significant difference in temperature with the outside.Sure, condensation can be wiped away but it can quickly become annoying and often means you end up with mould growing on the inside of the frame too. In this case, the most cost-effective option is probably to replace the window as repairs can work out as expensive if the seals on other panes fail again.

double glazed windows

Leaky Windows

Double glazing in older homes can lead to leaking windows. Having your window leaking is something that you definitely don’t want. In fact, a leak can cause the wind and temperatures outside to get into your house, eventually making the interior cold. This is one of the easiest ways to tell how old your double glazing is and if it is time to replace your windows. Naturally, you can simply fix the seal and this will allow you to fix minor leaks creating the smallest drops on your frame. However, for larger windows or big leaks, you should most likely replace your windows soon.

water drops on a window

Draughty Windows

Draughts are when air or heat come in. The reason for this is that the seal on the window is broken. If you fix it, then it will eventually happen again because the seal is not strong enough. So, if your double glazing is old, you should replace it instead of fixing the seals. Draughts are mainly caused by old or broken seals wich causes the air to get into the house and heat to go out if there is a gap. You can fix this by replacing the window seal. But this does not last long, especially if you have old windows with double glazing.

Your House is Louder than Before

Double glazing does insulate a property in terms of temperatures but also when it comes to noise. Older and used double glazed windows aren’t able to keep much noise coming from outside. Modern windows are designed to reduce sound transfer which can make a huge difference to your quality of life if you live near a busy road. If you can clearly hear noise from outside when inside and the window is shut, this is an indicator that your window is quite old. So, if you want to have a more peaceful and quiet atmosphere inside your property, getting a new one is the way to go.

double glazed windowsOpening and Closing Your Window Can Get Difficult

Let’s start off by mentioning that this issue can sometimes be caused by faulty hardware. However, if your windows are shutting by themselves or getting stuck, it might be time to replace the whole window instead of fixing them by piece. In fact, older windows tend to get stuck when opening or closing them. Minor issues can be temporarily fixed by a technician. But, if the problem lasts for longer and you can’t seem to open and close your unit properly, it’s probably because you need to get new windows.

Final Thoughts – How Old is my Double Glazing?

In this article we covered every detail you had to consider to determine how old your windows might be and how to inspect them properly. Of course, windows can lose efficiency as time goes on, so it’s important to know what condition they’re in and whether or not they need replacement. For a majority of people, owning an older home is a great benefit in itself, since it offers you the chance to enjoy history on your doorstep. On the other hand, when it comes to safety and energy bills, getting new equipment such as windows will help you considerably.In conclusion, new double glazed windows look much better than outdated ones and can really improve insulation levels in existing homes.